Hi! I’ve thought about making a blog thousands of times before, but I never actually went through with any of it. I really wanted a good, automated system, and when I was first starting out with webdev stuff on Neocities I manually did everything by hand- which was incredibly tedious and progressively harder to manage as more entries piled up.
After a while with new knowledge I gave all of this another go; originally this blog was coded in PHP / Javascript, rendering HTML in real time… until I realized that everything I wanted to do is already doable with a static site generator (woops, I overcomplicated things yet again!), this is when I discovered Hugo.
Hugo is an insanely powerful tool. Like, seriously. I am planning on incooperating this into my workflow ASAP. It’s very intutive, has good documentation, and is all-around just… really nice. It’s written in Go, too, which means compiling everything is insanely fast!
What are you planning to do with this blog?
I’ll mainly post what has been on my mind, or things I find to be interesting (mostly relating to my hobbies), though articles about a specific topic will most likely be it’s own page(s) (Ex: Krita tutorials will be on a future, dedicated “Krita tutorials” page).
I may also occasionally post about what I am considering adding to the site or sneak peaks to future updates- as the time that takes between updates have gotten increasingly sparser; I have been busier with life and dealing with quite a bit of mental / physical health issues.
Will you be making Japanese translations for each post?
As of right now, no, simply because both translating everything would take a lot of time.
Additionally, I am a lot more better at articulating my more complex thoughts in English, which is unfortunate because Japanese is my original, native language. I would like to be good at them both equally; I hope that this will eventually change as I have been doing quite a bit of re-studying in my own time.
I might make certain posts in Japanese and vice-versa, just not full-translations of each and every post I make. I think it would be a massive undertaking regardless of skill level.
That is all for now, ’till next time.